There have been calls for an immigrants’ strike nationwide on Thursday, Feb. 16, and a general strike on Friday. We are not sure how many people plan to leave work to participate — or whether they will take part in other ways. But we expect workers to have questions that day and beforehand about their workplace rights related to participating in political activity.
So we have revised our fact sheet about workers’ rights related to political protests. Click here to read it in English, Spanish, or Chinese.
And we are ready to field questions about your workplace rights as a protester: Call 415-864-8848 to speak with Legal Aid at Work about your particular situation.
If you can’t take time off work to participate, organizers are suggesting you use your lunch break to show your support on social media by post to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat with #BreakLunch messages that support democracy. Note that many employers have policies about non-work-related use of their equipment.
Here’s a link to learn more about the day of action on Friday, Feb. 17.
Information about the Feb. 16 walkouts was spread initially on paper flyers and by word-of-mouth, but media outlets also have reported widespread participation is planned in Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C., and we’ve heard of some Bay Area restaurants and workers participating.
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