Costs on the Job: Reimbursement for Tools, Travel, and Other Expenses

When I spend my own money for work related expenses, does my employer have to reimburse me?

Yes. You are entitled to be reimbursed by your employer for all reasonable expenses that result from you performing your work duties. This means that if you are working from home, you may be reimbursed for things like cellphone use and office supplies.

Expenses for Travel on the Job

Does my employer have to reimburse me if I use my car on the job?

Does my employer need to pay me for commuting to and from work?

Does my employer have to pay me wages when I have to travel for work?

What happens if my personal vehicle is damaged or stolen while I’m on company business?

Uniforms, Tools, Equipment

Can my employer require me to wear a uniform?

If I wear a hijab, turban, or other religious attire, can my employer require that I take it off?

If a uniform is required, do I have to provide it myself?

Who has to pay to take care of my uniform?

Can my employer make me provide and maintain my own tools and equipment for work?

Can my employer require a security deposit for my uniform, tools, or equipment?

If I accidentally break or mishandle equipment, can my employer charge me for the damage?

Can my employer charge me or discipline me if tools and equipment are stolen from the workplace?

What can I do if my employer tries to illegally charge me for uniforms or equipment?

Last updated: October 2024