Certain specific benefits, such as Disaster Unemployment Assistance, are available to workers when government officials declare that a situation is a disaster. But many existing rights may also apply to workers affected by a disaster, including the rights to sick leave, family medical leave, disability insurance, and workers’ compensation. If I become unemployed because of… Continue reading Workers’ Rights After a Disaster
Topic: Health and Safety / Job Injuries
Workers’ Compensation Overview
An overview on workers’ compensation and your rights within the California workers’ compensation system.
Workers’ Compensation: Permanent Disability Benefits
You are eligible for permanent disability benefits if you have not made a complete recovery from your work-related injury/illness once your condition has stabilized.
Workers’ Compensation: Temporary Disability Benefits
There are two categories of temporary disability benefits: temporary total disability (TTD) and temporary partial disability (TPD, also known as “wage-loss TD”).
Health & Safety at Work
A fact sheet on health and safety protections at work.
Workers’ Compensation Medical Care
Workers’ compensation insurance normally covers reasonable medical care costs. Learn more about what’s covered under it.
Assault and Battery in the Workplace
What is Assault and Battery? Assault and battery sometimes happen in the workplace when there are fights between employees and supervisors or between two employees. Assault and battery are two separate claims that employees can bring against their employer. Assault The “legal” definition of assault differs from how the word is normally used in everyday… Continue reading Assault and Battery in the Workplace