Fair Play for Girls in Sports

Female basketball player smiling while her teammates are huddled with the coach
Female basketball player smiling while her teammates are huddled with the coach
Female basketball player smiling while her teammates are huddled with the coach

Fair Play for Girls in Sports

Important Update on the Fair Play for Girls in Sports Program

After many years of advocating for gender equity in youth sports, Legal Aid at Work has made the difficult decision to discontinue our Fair Play for Girls in Sports program. We are incredibly grateful to our supporters, partners, and the countless families and young athletes who have fought alongside us to ensure equal opportunities in sports.

While our work in this area is ending, the fight for gender equity in youth athletics continues. We encourage you to reach out to the California Women’s Law Center, which remains committed to advancing these efforts. Free legal resources about these issues will also remain available at www.fairplayforgirlsinsports.org.

Thank you for standing with us in this important fight.

Our Focus

The Fair Play for Girls in Sports Project spurs schools and park and recreation departments to treat girls equally on and off the field, through litigation, technical assistance, training, and legislative advocacy. 

Focusing particularly on girls of color and girls who live in low-income communities, this work promotes the health, educational achievement, and future employment opportunities of girls. Girls who play sports have higher self-esteem and greater physical fitness; they make healthier decisions about drugs, alcohol, and relationships; and they earn higher wages as adults in the workplace.

Participation Gap Calculator

Find out how many girls there should be in your school’s athletic program (e.g., elementary, middle, or high school) — to ensure the share of female students enrolled matches the share of female students participating in athletics.


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