Overtime in California

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What is overtime?

I work more than 8 hours a day, should I be paid overtime?

I am a full-time salaried employee; do I get overtime pay?

I am an employee who is covered by a collective bargaining agreement, am I entitled to overtime pay?

I normally work from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day, but I take a 30-minute lunch break during the middle of my shift. Should I be paid overtime?

Does it matter if I am paid by the day, the week, or the piece, instead of with an hourly rate?

Do I automatically get overtime if I work on a holiday? 

Do I automatically get overtime if I work on my day off?

If my employer did not approve the extra hours I worked beforehand, should I still be paid overtime?

Does it matter if my employer has a “no overtime” policy?

What if I agreed to be paid at a single rate for all hours worked?

How do I calculate my overtime wages? 

My employer never told me my regular hourly rate; how do I figure it out?

What do I do if my employer is not paying me for my overtime?

Will my employer be penalized for not paying me overtime?

How long do I have to file a wage claim?